► Idaho State Sen. Dan Foreman: Today’s “Bully” Award Winner Print E-mail
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Idaho State Sen. Dan Foreman: Today’s “Bully” Award Winner


In December 2014, Danny succeeded in duping the voters in the Benewah and Latah counties to elect him as a member of the Idaho State Senate.


In February 2018, a group of students from the University of Idaho drove 300 miles to meet with Danny to discuss a birth control bill with lawmakers.


During a meeting between the students and Danny, he decided to prove to the students who the “boss” is when he forcefully pointed his finger at them and in a boisterous and belligerent manner said to them “abortion is murder.”


The students were taken aback at Danny’s asinine and bullying conduct because they hadn’t drove 300 miles to speak about abortion, they were there to speak about a “birth control bill.” In fact, the students drove to Boise to lobby lawmakers on two bills, one that allows women to receive up to a to a 12-month supply of prescribed birth control, and another that updates the state’s decades-old sex education law. (Dominique Mosbergen)


While the students were walking through the statehouse, they ran into Danny the Boob wherein he told them.

  • “I’m an Asshole, I’m sorry I mean a Roman Catholic and a conservative Republican.”
  • “I think what you guys are doing stinks.”

Danny then had the chutzpah to threaten the students that if they ever attempted to visit his office in the future he would call the cops. The perfect public servant! When confronted by his constituents he threatens to have them arrested and/or jailed.


Given Danny’s obvious lack of humanity and intellectualism, he needs to consider moving to a more Democratic country like North Korea.


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