► Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA): Today’s “Lying Tina Fey Comic” Award Winner Print E-mail
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Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA): Today’s “Lying Tina Fey Comic” Award Winner


In an over-the-top to further establish her bona fides as a Dimwitted Liar and Aspiring Standup Comedian, Kelly decided to play Dumb regarding the Access Hollywood tape where The Great Leader admitted to sexually assaulting women.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Industrial Strength Booty Fresh” for the protection of anyone in the immediate area, Kelly engaged in a recent (ca. October 2020) interview with NBC-affiliate 11Alive in Georgia wherein she spewed forth the following laughable lie.


“I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with that.”


Kelly’s Dimwitted Lie is in keeping with her prior statements at campaign debate where she stated she doesn’t disagree with anything The Great Leader has said or done. In fact, she has boasted that she is the U.S. Senate’s most reliable Trump supporter (aka, Sycophantic Ass-Kisser).


It also should be noted that Kelly’s husband, New York Stock Exchange CEO Jeff Sprecher contributed $1 million in April 2020 to America First Action, an organization that support’s The Great Leader’s reelection. In addition, Kelly and her husband have distributed millions in loans and contributions to GOP races in 2020.


Is it any wonder that Kelly’s undying love for The Great Leader was the sole reason that she lied that she was unaware of the infamous Access Hollywood tape where The Great Leader bragged by saying because he was famous he could “grab women by the pussy.”


If Kelly loses her reelection effort for a seat on the Senate and her newfound love, The Great Leader loses, and Melania dumps Trump, maybe she could be in line to be his fourth 4th Trophy Wife.



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