► Sen. David Perdue (R-GA): Today’s “Nauseating Bigot” Award Winner Print E-mail
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Sen. David Perdue (R-GA): Today’s “Nauseating Bigot” Award Winner



While acting as a warmup for Donald “Trumporleone” Trump’s appearance at a rally in Macon, Georgia for The Great Leader, Davey decided to further establish his bona fides as one of Georgia’s Most Disrespected Bigots.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Booty Fresh” for everyone else’s protection in the crowd of low I.Q. Trump supporters, Davey made the following statements to be digested as red meat by his and The Great Leader’s intellectually infirm followers.


"The most insidious thing that Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden are trying to perpetuate, and Bernie [Sanders] and Elizabeth [Warren] and Kamala -- Kah-ma-la, or Kah-mah-la, or Kamala-mala-mala, I don't know, whatever."


Davey’s bigoted mocking of Sen. Kamala Harris was not an accident or slip of the tongue since he’s been a senate colleague of Kamala’s for over three years.


Of course, it goes without saying that Davey’s bigoted comments played will with the bigots in the assembled crowd of Trumpsters, and Trump himself whom all cheered and laughed at the demeaning of an African American woman.


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