► Ex. Rep. Bill Jones of Bakersfield; crook; ethical leper-con, moron Print E-mail
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Ex. Bakersfield Rep. Bill Jones; crook; ethical leper-con, moron

Ex. Bakersfield Assemblyman Bill Jones would have us believe that he consumed 10,756 gallons of fuel in 1986.
 In 1986, Assemblyman Bill Jones billed the State for $9,573.43 for fuel (source: State Assembly Journal), which amounts to 10,756 gallons of fuel.
The Assembly Rules Committee cannot provide the make and model of vehicle Californians purchased on behalf of Assemblyman Bill Jones for the year 1986. However, based on an average of 18 mpg, Assemblyman Bill Jones would have driven 193,608 miles in 1986.
Assemblyman Bill Jones would have been in Sacramento attending legislative sessions for at least 165 days in 1986. During those 165 days, Assemblyman Bill Jones could not have driving a state car because he would have flown from Bakersfield to Sacramento to attend legislative sessions.
At most, Assemblyman Bill Jones would have been in the Bakersfield area no more than 200 days in 1986. Obviously, he was not engaged in “official state business” each and every one of those 200 days. Discounting holidays (Christmas, New Years, 4th of July, etc., weekend days and lets say forty-five (45) days for vacation and/or time spent traveling to conferences, at best he would have spent no more than 140 days driving a state car in the Bakersfield area.
At an average of 40 miles-per-hour, Assemblyman Bill Jones would have driven about 1,383 miles per day. This would mean that he spent approximately 34.5 hours on the road each and every day he was in the Bakersfield area in 1986.
Now, I don’t have an advanced degree in mathematics; however, I believe that 34.5 is just a tad more than 24, right? If in fact, Assemblyman Bill Jones did labor 34.5 hours on behalf of his constituents in Bakersfield, then the term “workaholic” need to be redefined.
The average over-the-road semi-truck-driver will average about 110,000 miles a year. Are we to believe that in less than one-third of the time, that Assemblyman Bill Jones drove over 190,000 miles? This ol’ Dawg has owned several over-the-road semi-trucks, and I can assure you that I was never able to drive over 120,000 miles in any given year.
It is pretty clear to me that in 1986, Assemblyman Bill Jones was using a state-gas-charge-card to pump fuel into his and/or family members vehicles.
Even more absurd is Assemblyman Bill Jones' claim of using 23,144 gallons of fuel from 1986 to 1990 (5-years), which means he would have driven 416,592 for a yearly average of 93,318 miles. Of course this claim by Assemblyman Bill Jones doesn't pass the involuntary laugh test. One can only imagine how much fuel Assemblyman Bill Jones pumped into personal vehicles during the ten (10) years he was an assemblyman.
After his ten-years of disservice to his constituents in the Bakersfield area ended in 1992, Assemblyman Bill Jones was successful in duping the voters to electing him as California’s 27th Secretary of State.
In 2002, Assemblyman Bill Jones was confident he could again dupe the voters by running for Governor of California; however, he did not succeed. In 2004, Assemblyman Bill Jones attempted to again dupe Californians by running for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Barbara Boxer. Fortunately, Californians opted to tell Assemblyman Bill Jones to take a hike when they overwhelmingly voted for Senator Barbara Boxer.
FYI: Assemblyman Bill Jones is yet another hypocrite that claims he is a fiscal conservative; albeit not so when he'' porking out at the public trough!
Assemblyman Bill Jones’ sham claim that he used nearly 11,000 gallons of fuel in 1986 and the Assembly Rules Committee’s payment of same, is just further proof that your legislative leaders could care less how the taxpayer’s of California are being hosed on a daily basis by a bunch of ethical twerps.
The mere fact that your so-called legislative representatives find it acceptable to close state parks; furlough state employees 3 or more days a month, and stick it to the those who are on the bottom rung of the economic latter while they cheerfully retain luxury cars they do not require, speaks volumes for their lack of ethics and morals.

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