► Attorney George Raus of Syracuse; Il Duce Wannabee, certified Dumbo Print E-mail
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Attorney George Raus of Syracuse; Il Duce Wannabee, certified Dumbo

Attorney George Raus was gifted with a law license in New York in 1976 after graduating from the South Texas College of Law located in Houston.
Previously Raus was an Onondaga County Family Court referee before being fired from his job in early October 2009.
Numerous lawyers (well over a dozen) and an untold amount of litigants appearing before Raus filed complaints about his so-called handling of cases involving child custody disputes. Some of those complaints were as follows:
  1. Improperly switched custody of children from one parent to another without a hearing or giving notice (aka, due process) to the other side.
  2. One mother lost custody her 4-month-old son without a court appearance
  3. Proceeded with a custody hearing when the mother’s attorney wasn’t present
  4. Forced hearings on attorneys even though the parents had settled their custody disputes
The mother of the 4-month old son’s attorney, Tina Bennet said, “I guess George got to do whatever George wanted to do, regardless of the law.” (Syracuse Post-Standard) And the mother said, “I guess George got to do whatever George wanted to do, regardless of the law.”
Raus’ hyperbolic (BS) defenses
Raus said his firing was wrong. He denied behaving inappropriately outside the laws or rules of the court.” Hey Dumbo ever heard of the term “due process?”
Raus had the chutzpah to say, “I was doing a great job.” This BS comment doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test and only proves that Raus missed his calling as a standup comedian.
Despite the plethora of ethics complaints filed by Raus’ sea of victims, the enablers/apologists sitting on the New York Judicial Commission never disciplined him. This only further confirms that Judicial Misfits are held to a lower standard of conduct then y’all are.
As we speak (ca. Jan 2011) this certified loser is practicing law out of an office at 333 E. Onondaga Street in Syracuse. What an unmitigated joke!
And finally, I suspect that Il Duce (aka, Benito Mussolini) would blush at Raus’ conduct if he were alive.