► Attorney Koua Vang of Sun Prairie, WI; moronic loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Koua Vang of Sun Prairie, WI; moronic loser

The state of Wisconsin presented Koua C. Vang with a law license in 1991 after he graduated from Willamette University Law School.
The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) found Vang guilty of the following misconduct involving three separate investigations.
  1. Failed to respond to client inquires about status of legal mater
  2. Failed to act with reasonable diligence (slacker)
  3. Failed to comply with court orders
  4. Failed to return files to client after being discharged
  5. Failing to provide competent legal representation (moron)
  6. Failing to advance a client’s legal interests
The first matter dealt with Vang’s handling of a client’s dispute with a general contractor. Due to Vang’s negligence and incompetence, the client was forced to fire him and hire another attorney
The second matter involved Vang being appointed by the State Public Defender (SPD) to serve as appellate counsel for a defendant whose probation had been revoked. Over the course of several months, Kang refused to communicate with the client and only sent him a letter when ordered to contact him by the Public Defender’s Office. Eventually, the Court of Appeals had to order Vang to deal with his client; however, he failed to comply with the court order. Subsequently, the Court of Appeals ordered that Vang be removed from the case.
The third matter involved Vang’s appointment as appellate counsel for eight SPD clients. With respect to seven of the clients, Vang performed no work on their files and had no communications with them for periods of time ranging from six months to one year.
Vang’s Hyperbolic (BS) Defense
Vang had the temerity to claim that his misconduct came about because he was depressed. I’m sure depression caused him to screw over at least 10 clients. As expected the morons sitting on the OLR and the Supreme Court bought into Vang’s BS depression defense.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court punished Koua by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. June 2012) Koua practices law with the Koua Vang Law Office at 2919 Vang Road in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin which is a suburb of Madison.

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