► Attorney Jeffrey Roethe of Edgerton, WI; scamming loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Jeffrey Roethe of Edgerton, WI; scamming loser


The state of Wisconsin presented Jeffrey T. Roethe with a law license in 1969 after he graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Law.


The Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) found Jeff guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.


Jeff’s 1st bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree

  • Engaged in a conflict of interest
  • Failed to fully to cooperate with ethics investigators (Screw you, said Jeff!)
  • Falsely claimed to ethics investigators that he had not represented a developer

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court punished Jeff by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.


Jeff’s 2nd bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree

  • Permitted and ratified his assistant's conduct in notarizing R.W.'s signature on an application for informal administration and on a proof of heirship, when R.W. did not appear before his assistant on the date she attested the signatures were subscribed and sworn to before her, and when R.W. was not even in Wisconsin on that date
  • Directed his assistant to change the year typed on a deed, to change the name of the deed's drafter, and to insert a day and a month on the deed, after the deed had been signed by the grantors and without the knowledge or permission of one of the grantors
  • Improperly recorded the deed aforementioned
  • Engaged in conduct involving fraud, deceit, dishonest or misrepresentation
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Failed to inform his client that he had dated the personal representative's deed, and authenticated her signature on that date
  • Failed to ensure that A.W., as co-personal representative, was informed of his intention to record the personal representative's deed prior to the time it was recorded
  • Failed to send A.W. a copy of a letter addressed to the other co-personal representative and two heirs, which letter enclosed paperwork to remove A.W. as co- personal representative
  • Permitted and ratified his assistant's conduct in notarizing the signatures of two persons on an affidavit, when those persons did not appear before his assistant on the date, she attested the signatures were subscribed and sworn to before her and when the two persons were not even in Wisconsin on that date
  • Permitted the sham notarized affidavits to be filed with a court

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court punished Jeff by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand and assessed investigative costs of $24,630.53.


And lastly, as one would suspect, Jeff fails to mention the misconduct set forth above on his self-serving website at www.roethlaw.com. Apparently, he decided to conceal this highly relevant information from prospective clients for the purpose of not limiting his future victim pool.


As we speak (ca. October 2022), Jeff practices his so-called brand of law with the Roethe Law Firm at 24 North Henry Street in Edgerton, Wisconsin.



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