► Attorney Christopher Meisel of Milwaukee; thieving loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Christopher Meisel of Milwaukee; thieving loser


The state of Wisconsin presented Christopher E. Meisel with a law license in 1988 after he graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School.


The Office of Lawyer Registration (OLR) found Chris guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Converted (stole) $50,003 belonging to estate for personal purposes
  • Illegally spent estate funds to invest in real estate venture
  • Failed to hold $21,000 belong to client in client trust account
  • Filed annual accounts with the probate court for each of the guardianships that included documentation of account balances that had been deliberately and temporarily inflated to conceal his conversions (thefts)
  • Failed to maintain complete trust account records

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court punished Chris by gifting him with a complimentary 18-month suspension of his law license and ordered to pay $10,832 in costs.


Chris’s Hyperbolic (BS) Defenses


Chris had the chutzpah to claim that his repeated thefts of client funds via conversion of estate funds and fabricated documents he filed with the probate court were due to medical and personal issues that affected his judgment. I see Chris, suffering from a medical problem will normally cause an attorney to steal his client’s funds.


As one would suspect, the comedians sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court bought into Chris’ BS claims and stated in its opinion that “absent those medical and personal issues a very lengthy suspension, or perhaps even revocation, would be under consideration.”


Do you think these comedians would buy such a laughable argument in granting a lesser prison sentence if the defendant was found guilty of robbing the local 7-11 store?


As we speak (ca. April 2018), Chris will again practice law in December 2018 with Christopher E. Meisel Law Offices SC at 2050 West Good Hope Road in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 


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