► Attorney Pamela Smoler of Monona, WI; thieving loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Pamela Smoler of Monona, WI; thieving loser


The state of Wisconsin presented Pamela J. Smoler with a law license in 1988 after she graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School.


The Office of Lawyer Registration (OLR) found Pam guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Failed to fully cooperate with ethics investigators (Up yours, said Pam!)
  • Failed to respond to client information requests
  • Failed to provide periodic written accounting of claimed fees to client
  • Failed to surrender client papers/property upon being terminated
  • Failed to refund any unearned advance fee (thief)
  • Failed to deposit portion of $50,000 in advance costs in client trust account

In one matter,Pam entered into a loan transaction with two clients without providing them a reasonable opportunity to seek the advice of counsel in the transaction and without the clients’ written consent to the loan.


In a second matter, Pam Smoler failed to provide copies of relevant documentation to a client or the client’s representative and failed to respond to various requests for information received from the client or the client’s representative concerning the status of the client’s case.


As a consequence of her misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Wisconsin Supreme Court punished Pam by gifting her with a complimentary 9-month suspension of her law license.


As we speak (ca. June 2016), Pam practices at 6308 Southern Circle in Monona, Wisconsin. 


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