► Attorney Randolph Furman of Longview, WA; certified pervert, moron Print E-mail
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Attorney Randolph Furman of Longview, WA; certified pervert, moron


In his earlier life, attorney Randolph Furman was unfortunately a judge in Kelso, Washington.
In December 1999, the so-called Washington Commission on Judicial Conduct (should be named the Washington Commission Supporting Judicial Misconduct) found Judge Randolph Furman guilty of illegally using a state computer to access porn sites.
The Internet sites accessed by Judge Randolph Furman included “adult only” sites. In addition, Judge Randolph Furman illegally accessed auction, personal financial, shopping and personal travel sites on the state’s computer.
Of course it goes without saying that Judge Randolph Furman received his undeserved judicial salary from the over-taxed citizens of Washington while he was illegally surfing for porn, etc.
An unreliable source indicated that Judge Randolph Furman was right-handed. This unreliable source provided me with a photo/image of the results of Judge Randolph Furman spending an inordinate amount of time surfing for porn on a courthouse computer.
As you can readily see, Judge Randolph Furman would appear to have saved a significant amount of money as to the annual costs of belonging to a health club in the Longview, Washington area, right?
Punishment meted out to Judge Randolph Furman
The certified apologists and enablers (is there another kind holding these positions?) that are employed by the Washington Commission on Judicial Conduct (WCJC) allowed Judge Randolph Furman to resign his judgeship on June 20, 2000. These certified clowns (my apologies to clowns) had the chutzpah to suggest that Judge Randolph Furman’s resignation was sufficient punishment for his criminal conduct.
In an overt attempt to assure that attorney Randolph Furman is not denied the opportunity to earn a dishonest living as an attorney, the buffoons at the Washington Commission on Judicial Conduct make absolutely no mention on its web site at http://tinyurl.com/yzh78kt that Randolph Furman was disciplined in 1999.
If ya live in the Longview, Washington area, I would advise that you avoid employing attorney Randolph Furman unless you’re looking for some advice on how to successfully operate a porn site and/or how to avoid being discharged from your job for using an employer provided computer to surf for porn.
If that be the case, then I’m confident that attorney Randolph Furman would be more than happy to offer you a help hand, if ya know what I mean.

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