► Attorney Sylvia Cedilla of Prairie View, TX; scofflaw Print E-mail
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Attorney Sylvia Cedilla of Prairie View, TX; scofflaw


The state of Texas presented Sylvia with a law license in 1995 after she graduated from the University of Texas Law School.


The Texas Ethics Commission found Sylvia guilty of the following misconduct, all of which took place during her candidacy for Waller County Judge in the March 2014 primary election.

  • Failed to timely file July 2014 semiannual contribution report
  • Failed to timely file 8-day contribution report for March 14 primary election
  • Failed to timely file 30-daysemiannual contribution report for March primary election

Subsequently, Sylvia acknowledged that she had failed to comply with the statutory filing requirements as set forth above.


As a direct consequence of her violations of campaign laws, the apologists for Public Official Misfits sitting the Ethics Commission punished Sylvia by imposing a complimentary $680 civil penalty.


As we speak (ca. September 2017), Sylvia practices with the Cedilla Law Office LLLC in Prairie View, Texas.


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