► Attorney David Traywick of Isle of Palms, SC; potty mouth bigot Print E-mail
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Attorney David Traywick of Isle of Palms, SC; potty mouth bigot


The State of South Carolina presented David Paul Traywick with a law license in 2009 after he graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Law.


The Office of Disciplinary Counsel of the South Carolina Supreme Court found Suzie guilty of the following misconduct.


In one matter, after George Floyd was murdered, Davey posted the following on his Facebook page.

  • “Here's how much that shitstain's life1 actually mattered: Stock futures up.”
  • “Markets moved higher Monday and Tuesday.”
  • “Fuck you. Unfriend me.”

In a second matter, after Davey posted an offensive comment regarding tattoos to his Facebook page and received some blowback from at least one person asking Davey to prove he was right about the matter, he posted the following response.

  • “The general statement has exceptions, such as for bikers, sailors, convicts or infantry.”
  • “But these college educated, liberal suburbanites.”
  • “No, the rule was written for these boring mother fuckers. And they are everywhere.”
  • “Fuck em. Especially these females, Jesus Christ!”

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the South Carolina Supreme Court punished Davey by gifting him with a complimentary 6-month suspension of his law license.  


As we speak (ca. August 2022), Davey practices his so-called brand of law with Traywick & Traywick LLC in Isle of Palms, South Carolina



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