► Attorney David Schwager of Kingston, PA; patron of prostitutes Print E-mail
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Attorney David Schwager of Kingston, PA; patron of prostitutes


The state of Pennsylvania provided David E. Schwager with a law license in 1988 after he graduated from Penn State University School of Law.


In one matter, Davey was forced to resign his position President of the Pennsylvania Bar Association after it was discovered that he had been charged with patronizing a prostitute who allegedly tried to extort him.


Davey had sex with 25-year-old Emily Ann Merth who he hired though an online escort service.


Davey told police that Emily secretly records the sexual encounter at a home in Wilkes-Barre and when he noticed it was happening, he instructed her to stop. When Emily told Davey she was only audio recording, he got dressed and left the home.


All that remains now is to see what if any punishment will be meted out to Davey for the crime of soliciting prostitution by the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.


And lastly, as one would suspect, Davey fails to mention the misconduct set forth above on his self-serving website at www.despalaw.com. Apparently, he chose to conceal this information from prospective clients for the purpose of not limiting his future victim pool.


As we speak (ca. June 2022), Davey practices his so-called brand of law at 1838 Market Street in Kingston, Pennsylvania.



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