► Attorney Evan Shingles of Philadelphia, PA; ethical troll Print E-mail
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Attorney Evan Shingles of Philadelphia, PA; ethical troll


The state of Pennsylvania provided Evan Shingles with a law license in 2002 after he graduated from Loyola University School of Law.


The Office of Disciplinary Counsel found Evan guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Office personal and Evan’s father mismanaged client funds
  • Evan’s father and office personnel  improperly deposited entrusted funds into the business operating account
  • Failed to employ proper bookkeeping procedures
  • Allowed for the mishandling of trust funds to occur for over a ear before detection
  • Wrongfully deposited borrowed funds designated for construction and such other purposes into his IOLTA trust account and
  • Wrongfully paid the office  suite rent by issuing a check from his IOLTA trust account
  • Failed in his responsibility to oversee his accounts and review his records
  • Failure to perform required bookkeeping and recordkeeping and misuse of bank accounts and client funds by his underlings
  • Commingled client funds with personal funds
  • Violated his fiduciary obligations he owed to his clients

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court punished Evan by gifting him with a complimentary 1-year term of probation.  


As we speak (ca. June 2021), Evan practices his so-called brand of law with Shingleslaw LLC at 834 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


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