► Attorney Mark Seltzer of Philadelphia; cheerleader for convicted attorneys Print E-mail
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Attorney Mark Seltzer of Philadelphia; cheerleader for convicted attorneys


The state of Pennsylvania provided Mark F. Seltzer with a law license in 1976 after he graduated from Temple University Law School.


In one matter, Mark found it acceptable to give sworn testimony in support of disbarred felon, insurance fraudster and serial crook, attorney Jay Bomze. Further facts relating to Bomze’s criminal record can be found by visiting the URL listed at the end of this article.


At the hearing to consider reinstating Bomze the Felon’s law license, Mark had the chutzpah to testify as follows.

  • I have no hesitation in recommending Bomze’s reinstatement
  • Bomze has expressed remorse and contrition (that’s what all felons do Davey!)
  • Accepted responsibility for his criminal conduct (apparently Mark believes that the victims of Bomze’s serial frauds were responsible)
  • He’s giving, caring and very generous with his time for others (especially the time he spent with his co-conspirators in defrauding insurance companies)

Apparently, Mark believes Bomze has a constitutional right to earn a dishonest living practicing law in Pennsylvania.


As a direct consequence of his laughable testimony in support of Bomze, his law license was reinstated.


As we speak (ca. March 2018), Mark practices with Seltzer & Associates PC at 1515 Market Street in Philadelphia.


Attorney Jay Bomze of Bryn Mawr, PA; convicted of fraud




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