► Attorney Gary Server of Philadelphia; cheerleader for Attorney Misfits Print E-mail
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Attorney Gary Server of Philadelphia; cheerleader for Attorney Misfits


The state of Pennsylvania presented Gary Sanford Server with a law license in 1988 after he graduated from Temple University Law School


In one matter, Gary volunteered to be a character witness on behalf of disgraced attorney Anthony Cianfrani’s action to have his law license reinstated. Cianfrani had his law license suspended for five (5) years for stealing client funds.


In support of Cianfrani’s application to reinstate his law license, Gary had the chutzpah to testify that:

  • “Gary has an excellent reputation in the community as a peaceful and law-abiding person and as a truthful and honest person.”
  • “would not hesitate in recommending the reinstatement of Gary’s law license.”

So here we have an attorney laughingly claiming that an admitted thief is a law-abiding person who is both truthful and honest. Since when did a thief become anointed as an honest and law-abiding citizen?


FYI: A copy of Cianfrani’s misconduct can be viewed by visiting the URL at the end of this article.


Apparently, Gary was of the firm belief that Mr. Cianfrani had a constitutional right to earn a dishonest living practicing law in Pennsylvania.


As we speak (ca. February 2018), Gary practices at 52103 Dalaire Landing Road in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Attorney Anthony Cianfrani of Philadelphia; serial thief



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