► Attorney Nicholas Hetzer of Sylvania, OH; ethical dwarf Print E-mail
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Attorney Nicholas Hetzer of Sylvania, OH; ethical dwarf

The state of Ohio presented Nicholas Wayne Hetzer with a law license in 1978 after he graduated from the University of Toledo Law School.
The Toledo Bar Assn Grievance Committee found Nicholas guilty of the following misconduct.
In one matter, Mark McKarus hired Nick to represent him in a divorce case. At the time, Mark gave Nick a $10,000 retainer. Subsequently, Mark gave Nick an additional cash payment of $5,000.
Nick admitted that he never deposited the $5,000 cash in his client trust account as required and that his receipt of the $5,000 is not reflected in his summary sheet of records of funds received from and/or expended on behalf of Mark.
In October 2009, Mark gave Nick a $64,762 check that represented the proceeds from the sale of a boat which was a marital asset. However, Nick did not deposit the check until January 2010; one day after Mark gave him a $5,400 check representing the proceeds from the sale of a Jeep, which was also a marital asset.
On February 9, 2010, Mark fired Nick. On the same day Nick improperly wrote a $4,277 check to himself for the balance of his alleged fees, deducting that amount from the $70,162 in marital funds that he held on behalf of Mark and his spouse.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court punished Nicholas by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand
As we speak (ca. December 2013) Nicholas practices at 5800 Monroe Street in Sylvania, Ohio, which is a suburb of Toledo.

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