► Attorney Ronald Seibel of Cincinnati; ethical goblin Print E-mail
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Attorney Ronald Seibel of Cincinnati; ethical goblin

The state of Ohio presented Ronald Eugene Seibel with a law license in 2004 after he graduated from the University of Cincinnati Law School.
The Cincinnati Bar Association Grievance Committee found Ronald guilty of the following misconduct.
  1. Failed to provide client with written fee agreement
  2. Failed to hold client funds in an interest-bearing trust account
  3. Failed to promptly deliver unearned fees to client
  4. Failed to deliver client files to client after being discharged
As a consequence of her misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court punished Ronald by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. January 2013) Ronald practices with the Seibel Law Office in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ronald was hired to pursue a sexual harassment action against the University of Cincinnati. The client paid Ronald a $500 retainer that he treated as nonrefundable. The client and Ronald entered into a verbal contingent fee agreement was never reduced to writing as required by the Rules of Professional Conduct.
Subsequently, the client decided to file a federal lawsuit. This led Ronald to request another $2,000, which the client understood to be for litigation costs. Over the next two years, the client attempted to contact Ronald. Disgusted with Ronald’s conduct, the client fired him and sent him a letter asking for an accounting of the $2,000 retainer she paid him and asked him to forward her file to her new attorney. Several months passed before Ronald refunded the $2,000 retained and provided the file to the new attorney.
As a consequence of her misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court punished Ronald by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. February 2013) Ronald practices with the Seibel Law Office in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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