► Akron Prosecutor Sherri Walsh; Today’s Public Official Misfit Print E-mail
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Akron Prosecutor Sherri Walsh; Today’s Public Official Misfit

The state of Ohio provided Sheri Bevan Walsh with a law license in 1985 after she graduated from Capitol University Law School in Columbus, which is a 2nd tier law school that accepts losers that couldn’t gain acceptance to mainstream schools like Ohio State University, Cleveland State, University of Toledo or the University of Michigan.
From the time Sherri received her law license in 1985 she has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough.
  1. 1985-1986 – Law Clerk City of Akron Law Department
  2. 1987-1988 – Assistant Akron City prosecutor
  3. 1989-1990 – Police Legal Advisor for the cities of Akron, Fairlawn, Richfield, Bath and Lakemore
  4. 1991-2000 – Magistrate Village of Northfield
  5. 1993-2000 – Magistrate Village of Boston Heights
  6. 1996-2000 – Magistrate Village of Peninsula
From 1990 to 2000, Sherri supplemented her government checks by working for Bevan & Associates, a law firm located in Northfield, Ohio.
Recently, Judge Judith Hunter of Akron ordered the release of Doug Prade after he spent the last 15 years in prison due to his conviction for murdering his wife. Judge Hunter overturned Prade’s conviction as a result of irrefutable DNA evidence that thoroughly debunked the prosecution’s case. For a recent posting regarding Judge Hunter, go to the URL listed at the end of this article.
Sherri argued against Judge Hunter’s ruling in tossing Prade’s murder conviction by stating that nothing his attorney’s produced was clear or convincing as to his innocence, “Prade is where the jury felt he belongs,” Sherri said.
Sherri vowed to appeal Judge Hunter’s ruling, saying that Hunter’s findings were “a gross misapplication of the law.” Sherri then said, “We have not seen any credible evidence that suggests innocence, and we are taking all available actions to keep a dangerous killer off the streets.”
Sherri’s comments are evidence that she is a certified buffoon who is incapable of understanding that DNA evidence proved that the state’s case against Prade was a joke.
Of course Sherri doesn’t much give a damn if an innocent man spends the rest of his life in jail. And she certainly doesn’t give a damn about how much the taxpayers will be forced to spend while she pursues a frivolous appeal of Judge Hunter’s well founded ruling.
Hopefully, the voters in the Akron area will tell Sherri to take a hike at the next election. Sherri shouldn’t worry about future employment opportunities. Sam’s Club is always looking for greeters!

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