► Attorney Brian Spitz of Cleveland; ethically impaired, deceiver, liar Print
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Attorney Brian Spitz of Cleveland; ethically impaired, deceiver, liar


This Ol’ Dawg has been involved in investigating and reporting on “Attorney Misfits” in Ohio and elsewhere beginning in 1981.

Attorney Brian Spitz of Cleveland who is representing Judge Shirley Saffold in regards to her frivolous (fabricated) defamation suit v. the Cleveland Plain Dealer is without doubt the “quintessential ambulance chaser.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if attorney Brian Spitz ordered that his associates, attorneys Beth Blackmore, Klaus Luhta or Robert Shea to obtain a certification as a “para-medic,” thereby allowing them to Spitz’s web site at advertises that he specializes in:
  • Bankruptcy cases – Chapters 7, 11, 13
  • Contract disputes
  • Defamation and privacy claims
  • Employment disputes – harassment – non-competition disputes
  • Gun trusts – whatever that means
  • Injury & Death claims – Brain injuries, dog attacks, injuries to children, spinal injuries, wrongful death, product liability, premise liability
  • Criminal Law – Prostitution/Drunk Driving, Drug offenses, Theft crimes
  • Maritime Law – boating citations, Jet Ski accidents, seaman injury/death
  • Motor Vehicle accidents – bicycle accidents, car accidents, DUI injuries, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, truck accidents
  • Professional malpractice – broker malpractice, legal malpractice
So-called attorney Brian Spitz has 3 so-called associates working in his firm, who are (1) Beth Blackmore, (2) Klaus Luhta, and (3) Robert Shea.
It would seem to this Ol’ Dawg that attorney Brian Spitz would promote and/or support that a male client undergo a “hysterectomy” at the Cleveland Clinic if he thought it would inure to his financial benefit by filing a sham lawsuit (is their another kind?) against the surgeon and the Hospital.
It is laughable for any small law firm wit h 4 attorneys to advertise that they are qualified and/or have the expertise to represent prospective clients (aka, future victims) in the areas of the law that Brian Spitz advertises on his self-serving web site: http:tinyurl.com/29y3oub.)
This Dawg learned the hard way (ca. 1981-1991) that small law firms claiming to be the “friends of the working-class” were spewing forth BS. After falling into this trap by employing small firms in Toledo, Ohio (1 - Joe Westmeyer & Associates, (2 - E.J. Leizerman & Associates, (3) David Pheils, Jr. & Associates, and (4) I learned the hard way.
Finally and mercifully I employed attorney James Nooney of Eastman & Smith, a large law firm in Toledo, Ohio in early 1992. Upon my first visit to Eastman & Smith, I was concerned about how much this would cost me given the layout of the joint. However, my concerns were assuaged when attorney James Nooney advised me early on that I would be billed at the lower hourly rate for work performed by a subordinate rather than his higher hourly rate as a partner.
Suffice it to say that attorney James Nooney was the first ethical attorney I had employed (ca. 1981-1992). The lesson for ya all to learn is that you shouldn’t be concerned about employing a large law firm in you area even though their digs may seem to be extravagant.
I subsequently learned via my dealings with attorney James Nooney and Eastman & Smith that size isn’t relevant when employing an ethical attorney/law firm.
The claims by attorney Brian Spitz that he and/or his associates that they possess the ability y to represent clients in almost any filed of the law, is in my opinion pure hyperbole (aka, BS).
Brian Spitz’s claim to be able to represent any and all tort (personal damage) claims is facially absurd. Spitz’s claims are reminiscent of the sham claims put forth by attorneys David R. Pheils, Jr. and/or E.J. Leizerman in trying to sell themselves and/or their law firms as possessing superior expertise in10-20 specific fields of the law.
In truth folks, buffoons (my apologies to buffoons) such as attorney Brian Spitz and his cohorts such as E. J. Leizerman and/or David R. Pheils, Jr. are nothing more than hi-bred ambulance chasers seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of others.
And lastly, it is obvious to me that attorney Brain Spitz has opted in the past to incur the costs of purchasing a pair of “industrial strength knee pads” in his pursuit of a frivolous defamation lawsuit on behalf of Judge Shirley Saffold against the Cleveland Plain Dealer, et al.