► Attorney Cassandra Skerrett of Hendersonville, NC; ethical gremlin Print E-mail
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Attorney Cassandra Skerrett of Hendersonville, NC; ethical gremlin


The state of North Carolina provided Cassandra Dawn Skerrett with a law license in 1982


The Grievance Committee of the North Carolina State Bar has charged Cassandra with engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Filed dismissal of lawsuit w/o client’s authorization
  • Failed to withdraw representation when required to do so
  • Evicted by landlord for nonpayment of rent
  • Upon eviction by landlord took and converted to her use two computers that were the lawful property of the landlord
  • Without landlord’s knowledge or consent reviewed landlord’s financial and business records stored on the two computers she took

All that’s left now is to see what if any punishment the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the North Carolina Supreme Court mete out to Cassandra.


As we speak (ca. November 2015) Cassandra practices with The Skerrett Law Firm PLLC in Hendersonville, North Carolina. 


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