► Attorney Tom Ryan of Sylvan Lake, MI; enabler for Judicial Misfits Print E-mail
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Attorney Tom Ryan of Sylvan Lake, MI; enabler for Judicial Misfits

Attorney Tom Ryan currently (ca. November 2011) serves as chairman of the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission. The Commission is allegedly charged with investigating judicial misconduct and meting out appropriate punishment.
Recently, the Commission was faced with disciplining Judges Mark Somers of Dearborn and James Kandrevas of Southgate for unlawfully discharging court employees. Articles detailing their misconduct can be found at the URLs listed at the end of this article.
Detroit Free Press reporter Brian Dickerson asked Ryan why the Commission had taken no disciplinary action against the two judges after jurors had determined they had violated the law.
In a lame attempt at levity, Ryan by saying the commission “has a number of weapons to deal with these situations, “ including private “letters of reprimand” and “letters of caution,” and that voters should not conclude that the absence of any public disciplinary action means t hat he and his colleagues have been looking the other way.
Dickerson then asked Ryan, why should the Commission hesitate to make a public example of judges whose misconduct has been exposed in public trials?
Tom “The Comic” Ryan then laughingly said, “It was determined that confidentiality was critical for the protection of the judiciary and the public.”
In addition to being a lousy standup comedian, Ryan is an unmitigated liar. How in the world is the public protected when the Commission acts in total secrecy in protecting Judicial Misfits?
Hopefully, Judges Somers and Kandrevas reimbursed Ryan for the cost of the industrial strength knee pads he donned while acting as the quintessential enabler/apologist for Judicial Misfits.
With apologists like Ryan in charge of judicial discipline in Michigan, is it any wonder that the public’s trust for the judiciary is on a steady decline?
Judge Mark Somers of Dearborn, MI; loser, liar, serial scofflaw
Judge James Kandrevas of Southgate, MI: scofflaw, ethical leper-con

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