► Attorney Brian Einhorn of Southfield, MI; cheerleader for Judicial Misfits Print E-mail
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Attorney Brian Einhorn of Southfield, MI; cheerleader for Judicial Misfits


The state of Michigan presented Brian D. Einhorn with a law license in 1968 after he graduated from the University of Detroit Law School.


Over the years, Brian has earned significant fees in representing some of Michigan’s Premier Judicial Misfits. Recently (early 2017), the Michigan Supreme Court proposed several changes to the way Judicial Misfits are investigated for engaging in a variety of judicial misconduct.


One of the proposals is to create a three-year statute of limitations on the filing of an ethics complaint against a sitting judge. This proposal is laughable at best. For additional information on this matter, visit the URL listed at the end of this article.


In proving his allegiance and undying loyalty for Judicial Misfits and after donning a pair of Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Brian spewed for the following hyperbolic (BS) statement in support of the imposition of the three-year limitation rule.

  • "There’s just all kind of reasons why trying to defend something three years after the fact is difficult."
  • "If a person knows that a judge did something three and a half or four years ago, I don’t think it’s fair to the judge to have to defend himself."
  • "There’s timing for doing everything."
  • "And there’s nothing different about a judge being accused of misconduct to a lawyer being accused of malpractice to a doctor being accused of malpractice."

The main problem with Brian’s bootlicking exercise is the fact that there is no statute of limitations in Michigan for the filing of ethics complaints against attorneys, pharmacists or physicians. Put simply, Brian the Bootlicker seeks to carve out a special exemption for Judicial Misfits running amuck in Michigan.


Hopefully, Justice Zahra and/or his comrades reimbursed Brian for the costs he incurred when he purchased appropriate knee pads and a tube of Industrial Strength Chapstick.


As we speak (ca. September 2017), Brian the Bootlicker (BB) practices his brand of law with Collins Einhorn Farrell PC at 4000 Town Center in Southfield, Michigan which is a suburb of Detroit.



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