► Attorney Charles Hancock of Frederick, MD; bigoted loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Charles Hancock of Frederick, MD; bigoted loser


The State of Missouri presented Charles Leonard Hancock with a law license in 1988 after he graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law.


The Veterans Affairs Merit Systems Protection Board found Charlie guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Said employee described as G-Pot was “a despicable impersonation of a human woman, who ought to have her cervix yanked out of her by the Silence of the Lamb guy, and force fed to her.”
  • While commenting that there were no minorities on his son’s Little League team, he said: “Nice, but where are the white sheets? Gotta start them when they are young.”
  • Participated in email chain with group of people calling themselves the “Forum of Hate.”
  • Used official government email account to send and receive offensive and inappropriate emails with likeminded bigots

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Charlie by the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Maryland Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. August 2019), Charlie practices at 9410 Kinnerton Place in Frederick, Maryland.



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