► Attorney Donald Dale Gardiner of Chicago; intimidator, criminal Print E-mail
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Attorney Donald Dale Gardiner of Chicago; intimidator, criminal

Unfortunately, the Illinois Supreme Court presented Donald Dale Gardiner with a law license in 2002 after he graduated from the John Marshall School of Law.
In late 2011, the Attorney Disciplinary Commission filed misconduct charges against Donnie, which included the following:
Intimidation of Karen and General Mark Hendrix
From 2006 to mid-2007, Donnie was employed in a dual capacity with the US Army. He worked as a civilian employee for the Dept of the Army during the week, and on weekends he was a Major in the Army reserve. In 2007 he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.
In 2007, General Hendrix declined to promote Donnie as a supervisory staff administrator, which caused him to resign his position and accept a position in another unit. Subsequently, a friend of Don’s told him that General Hendrix had spoken negatively about him and denigrated his work performance and work ethic. These comments angered Donnie and him to resent General Hendrix.
In Oct 2007, artwork and personal items were stolen from General Hendrix’s office, including an award he received from the U.S. Army War College. Donnie became aware of the thefts at the time they occurred.
In June 2009, Donnie mailed an envelope to General Hendrix’s wife, Karen at their home in Missouri, which contained a copy of a page from a 2003 yearbook that referenced General Hendrix as the recipient of a Writing Award. Donnie handwrote on the page, “Ask your little bitch if he is missing something.”
In August 2009, Donnie mailed another envelope that was addressed to General Hendrix. It contained a group photo of other members of the General’s army strategic leader development course. Donnie circled and crossed out the General’s face in the photo and handwrote the words “you next” inferring that he would disappear just like the items stolen from his home.
The Commission and the Army concluded that Donnie intended for the General and his wife to feel intimidated and threatened by his letters.
At the time, the Uniform Code of Military Justice provided for “conduct unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman that would subject Donnie to a court –martial. As a result of Donnie’s deplorable conduct, he was forced to resign from the Army Reserves in lieu of facing a criminal court martial, and he received a dishonorable discharge.
Despite being forced to resign his commission as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves, Donnie falsely states on his website (www.gkwwlaw.com) that he’s a Lieutenant Colonel with the U.S. Army Reserve.
As a consequence of his egregious misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Disciplinary Commission punished Donnie by gifting him with a censure.
As we speak (ca. Jan 2012) Donny the Intimidator practices law with the firm of Gardiner Koch Weisberg & Wrona with offices located in Chicago, Naperville and Lake Geneva.

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