► Attorney John Tucker of Newnan, GA; ethical gremlin Print E-mail
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Attorney John Tucker of Newnan, GA; ethical gremlin


The state of Georgia presented John B. Tucker with a law license in 1984 after he graduated from Woodrow Wilson Law College of Law.


The State Bar of Georgia found Johnny guilty of the following misconduct.


In one matter, Johnny found it acceptable to employ Samuel Brantley, a former lawyer who he knew had been disbarred as a result of a conviction to commit wire fraud.


Johnny knew that Brantley had been disbarred but allowed him to have contact with his clients in person, by telephone and in writing. Johnny also allowed him to meet with clients in his law office; allowed him to discuss and advise clients about the procedural and substantive aspects of their cases; did not tell the clients that Brantley had been disbarred and told clients Brantley was a lawyer; and allowed Brantley to prepare pleadings (although Tucker signed them and appeared in court).


In July 2013, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court entered an order sanctioning Johnny in a case for allowing Brantley to effectively represent the client except for making court appearances, and it suspended him from practice in that court for six months.


As a consequence of his misconduct, the Cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Georgia Supreme Court punished Johnny by gifting him with a complimentary 6-month suspension of his law license. 


As we speak (ca. September 2014) Johnny practices at 2 Lee Street in Newnan, Georgia.



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