► Attorney Samuel Williams Jr. of Atlanta; convicted felon Print E-mail
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Attorney Samuel Williams Jr. of Atlanta; convicted felon


The state of Georgia provided Samuel Williams Jr. with a law license in 2003 after he graduated from the Thomas M. Cooley School of Law.


Cooley is considered by many to be the worst law school in the country that is dedicated to taking in loser that couldn’t get accepted into mainstream schools like the University of Georgia.

The Georgia State Bar found Amber guilty of the following misconduct. Evidence of Cooley’s standing is the fact that Donald “Trumporleone” Trump’s former lawyer, fixer and consigliore Michael Cohen graduated from Cooley.


The Georgia State Bar found Sammy guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Pled guilty in Alabama for selling unregistered securities
  • Ordered to pay restitution of $380,000 at monthly payment of $250

I don’t know who the moron was that agreed to allow Sammy to take 127 years (1,520 months) to repay $380,000 in restitution. Since Sammy was born in 1978, he’ll have to live until he’s 167-years-old. Additionally, the average annual attorney income in Georgia as of 2018 was $82,000. This means the $250 a month agreement is preposterous and doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test.


As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Georgia Supreme Court punished Sammy by gifting him with a complimentary 20-month suspension of his law license effective November 2017.


As we speak (ca. April 2019), Sammy’s practice of law will resume his practice of law at 3485 Ellington Way in Atlanta, Georgia in June 2019.



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