► Attorney Gary Murphree of Miami; convicted druggie Print E-mail
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Attorney Gary Murphree of Miami; convicted druggie


The state of Florida presented Gary Michael Murphree with a law license in 1994 after he graduated from the University Law School.


The Florida State Bar Grievance Committee found Gary guilty of the following misconduct.

  1. Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  2. Committed a criminal act
  3. Failed to provide competent representation (Dumbo)
  4. Intentionally disobeyed an obligation owed to a trial court
  5. Engaged in conduct adversely reflecting on fitness to practice law
  6. Failed to provide adequate notice to clients of status of legal matter

Gary was found guilty in circuit court of felony possession of cocaine and drug paraphernalia with intent to use. As one would suspect, this wasn’t Gary’s first arrest for possession of cocaine. He was arrested two years earlier for the same thing.


As a consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Florida Supreme Court punished Gary by gifting him with a complimentary 1-year suspension of his law license.


As we speak (ca. February 2014) Gary practices with AM Law at 7385 SW 87th Avenue in Miami, Florida.



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