► Attorney John Hiner, Jr. of Wilmington, DE; ethical leprechaun Print E-mail
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Attorney John Hiner, Jr. of Wilmington, DE; ethical leprechaun

The Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) found John guilty of the following misconduct.
  1. Failed to provide competent legal services (Dumbo)
  2. Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  3. Failed represent his clients’ interests in criminal and civil matter
  4. Failed to respond to client communications
  5. Failed to keep clients informed of the status of their legal matters
  6. Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  7. Failed to appear in court on behalf of his clients
  8. Failed to respond to court requests/orders
  9. Failed to return client files to clients after being fired
  10. Failed to respond to ODC investigative requests (Up Yours, said Johnny!)
In one matter, Johnny the Dumbo allowed the statute of limitations to expire without protecting the rights of his client to seek redress for the personal injuries the client incurred.
In another matter, the Public Defender’s Office was required to appoint an attorney to represent John’s criminal client because he failed to appear at two court-scheduled sentencing hearings.
As a consequence of his most recent misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Delaware Supreme Court punished John by gifting him with a second (2nd) complimentary 3-year suspension of his law license.
As we speak (ca. April 2013) John practices at 1303 Delaware Avenue in Wilmington, Delaware.

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