► Attorney Joseph Gielata of Wilmington, DE; convicted thief Print E-mail
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Attorney Joseph Gielata of Wilmington, DE; convicted thief

The state of Delaware presented Joseph N. Gielata with a law license in 2003.
The Delaware Supreme court found Joseph guilty of the following misconduct.
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Committed a criminal act
  • Engaged in conduct involving fraud, deceit, dishonest or misrepresentation
In one matter, Joseph schemed with a former friend to sell paintings to each other, make claims against Pay Pal and then pursue legal action to recover not only the Money Back Guarantee, but treble (triple) damages and attorney fees from Pay Pal.
Subsequently, Joseph pleaded guilty to misdemeanor theft and was placed on probation by the trial court.  
As a consequence of his misconduct, apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Delaware Supreme Court punished Joseph by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
It must be comforting to the folks in Wilmington to know that there is yet another convicted criminal practicing law in their area compliments of the comedians sitting on the Delaware Supreme Court.
As we speak (ca. February 2013) Joseph practices with Joseph N. Gielata, LLC at 501 Silverside Road in Wilmington, Delaware.

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