► Attorney Sylvia Reid of Hartford, CT; ethical goblin Print E-mail
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Attorney Sylvia Reid of Hartford, CT; ethical goblin

The state of Connecticut provided Sylvia Denise Reid with a law license in 1995 after she graduated from the University of Connecticut Law School.
The Statewide Grievance Committee found Sylvia guilty of the following misconduct
  1. Failed to act with due diligence
  2. Failed to timely pay funds owed to client
  3. Failed to keep client reasonably informed as to status of legal matter
  4. Failed to comply with client’s requests for information
  5. Failed to adequately supervise conduct of office staff
  6. Failed to promptly notify client of receipt of client funds
In one matter, Sylvia was hired by client to collect a judgment in Citibank v. Murphy. The defendant was required to pay $15 each week on the judgment. Over a three year period of time, the defendant paid Sylvia $2,700 on the judgment.
Sylvia’s legal fee was 25% of the amount collected, which would be $675 of the $2,700. Therefore, the client should have received $2,025 from Sylvia. However, Sylvia only paid the client $1,008.75 in four installments over a period of three years.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Statewide Grievance Committee punished Sylvia by gifting her with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. May 2013) Sylvia practices with the New Generation Law Center in Hartford, Connecticut.




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