► Attorney Vincent Bartolotta of San Diego; ethical leper-con Print E-mail
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Attorney Vincent Bartolotta of San Diego; ethical leper-con

Vincent Bartolotta practices his so-called ambulance chasing operation at a firm called Thorsnes Bartolotta and McQuade in San Diego.
In 2000, Bartolotta was employed as counsel to represent Border Business Park, Inc., vs. the City of San Diego, a case that was assigned to the Dishonorable Vincent DiFiglia.
Both prior to and during the trial in this matter, Mr. Bartolotta never advised anyone that he had a long-standing personal relationship with Judge Vincent DiFiglia. There can be no dispute that he had an absolute duty to disclose this relationship to the attorneys representing the City of San Diego.
With the unethical assistance of Judge DiFiglia, the jury awarded Bartolotta’s client $94.5 million. Obviously, the de facto law firm of Vinnie and Vinnie succeeded in their scam.
Clearly, Mr. Bartolotta felt it convenient to treat the oath he took as a lawyer and an officer of the court with total disdain and contempt by his abhorrent conduct. I suppose he’ll claim that he was merely exercising his 5th Amendment right to remain silent, right?
For a better understanding the misconduct of Bartolotta and his partner Judge DiFiglia regarding this matter, go to the URL listed under the article title below.
Even though Judge DiFiglia was disciplined for his conduct, the enablers/apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Attorney Disciplinary Board took absolutely no action against Bartolotta.

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