► Attorney Laura Prichard of Oracle, AZ; ethical misfit Print
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Attorney Laura Prichard of Oracle, AZ; ethical misfit


The state of Arizona presented Charles A. Struble with a law license in 1996 after she graduated from Wayne State University Law School in Detroit.  Laura also received a law license from Michigan in 1993.


The Arizona State Bar found Laura guilty of misconduct as set forth below.


In one matter, Laura found it acceptable to engage in a glaring conflict of interest when she engaged in a romantic relationship with a client. During the representation, Laura drafted estate documents for the client in which she was the named beneficiary.


As a consequence of her misconduct, the cheerleaders of Attorney Misfits sitting on the Arizona Supreme Court punished Laura by gifting her with a complimentary censure.


As we speak (ca. December 2014) Laura practices in the Oracle, Arizona area.


Caution: Laura does not carry legal malpractice insurance