► Attorney Bruce E. Rosenberg of Phoenix; repeater, ethical leper-con Print E-mail
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Attorney Bruce E. Rosenberg of Phoenix; repeater, ethical leper-con

Unfortunately the Arizona Supreme Court presented Bruce Rosenberg with a law license in 1991 after he graduated from Arizona State University.
1st bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree – 2007
In 2007 the Arizona Supreme Court found Bruce guilty of failing to timely disperse settlement funds from a bodily injury

 case to Mrs. Nash, his client, and failed to expeditiously address a Medicare lien and a doctor’s lien against the settlement recovery.
As a result of his misconduct the Supreme Court punished Bruce by presenting him with an “Informal Reprimand,” placed him on probation, and ordered that he distribute the required settlement funds to Ms. Nash. I hear tell that those “informal reprimands” can be like really painful if y’all know what I mean.
In 2009 the Supreme Court discovered that Bruce had thumbed his nose at its 2007 order to promptly reimburse Mrs. Nash. The Court hen issued a “show cause order” to find Bruce in contempt of court. In his August 14, 2007 response to the possible contempt finding, Bruce claimed he had dispersed the settlement funds to Mrs. Nash. Only took Ol’ Bruce two (2) years to pay Mrs. Nash the settlement funds she was lawfully entitled too. Nice job Bruce Baby!
Bruce’s Hyperbolic (BS) Defenses
In a lame attempt to cement his status as an up and coming standup comedian, and when asked why he did not get Mrs. Nash’s money to her promptly, Bruce responded by putting forth the following laughable claims:
He was going through a time of severe personal turmoil
Bruce’s mother was ill which caused him emotional trauma
Bruce takes full responsibility for his egregious misconduct (Isn’t that just delightful?) Almost makes ya wanna cry, right? Almost!!
As a result of his repeat misconduct and violation of prior probation terms, the wimps, enablers and apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Arizona Surpeme Court punished Bruce by gifting him with a complimentary censure.
As we speak (ca. June 2011) this certified loser continues to practice law at 320 East Virginia Street in Phoenix, Arizona.

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