► Today’s Judicial “Ingrate” Award Winner is Judge Emily Goodman of NYC Print
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Today’s Judicial “Ingrate” Award Winner is Judge Emily Goodman of NYC

Emily Jane Goodman was presented with a law license by the State of New York in 1968 after she graduated from Brooklyn Law School. Unfortunately this certified ingrate’s been on the bench gorging on public pork since 1987.
Judge Emily Goodman has the chutzpah to actually believe that she’s underpaid and overworked. Of course this claim doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test. The overtaxed citizens of New York are forking over nearly $140,000 a year in wages for Emily’s worthless services. And this doesn’t count the gold plated health insurance and other fringe benefits she receives, which total another $25,000 a year or more. Does it sound to you like Emily is underpaid or overpaid? Yeah, me too!
In a July 4, 2011 article titled: “Pay Frozen, More New York Judges Leave Bench,” William Glaberson of the New York Times quoted Emily the Ingrate as saying,
“The practical effect of her stalled pay was that she had to sell a summer home in the Hamptons.” When I read this I immediately ran to the bathroom to fetch me a dry towel.
 How many people in New York City that actually work for a living (i.e. plumbers, truck drivers, nurses, etc.) own summer homes in the Hamptons? Do ya think any of these hardworking taxpayers really give a damn if Ungrateful Emily had to sell her summer home in the Hamptons?
In a lame attempt at levity, Jane said: “Here I am, in a position where I’m working to achieve justice for other people and I don’t feel that I’m experiencing justice.” According to Mayor Bloomberg, Jane wouldn’t know justice if it slapped her across the face. Obviously Jane missed her calling as a standup comedian.
Jane is yet another incompetent jurist that has the audacity to argue that they are woefully underpaid. If that be true, then why don’t they do everyone a favor and take a hike. The reason they don’t leave is because it’s normally the best paying law related job they could have ever dreamed of having. In truth, no respectable law firm was going to offer them a good paying job. Put simply, she and her fellow whiners are certified losers.
If Jane can’t make it on $2,700 a week then I’d suggest she apply for a job as a greeter at the Wal-Mart Supercenter located at 400 Park Place in Secaucus, New Jersey.  If ya do Jane, don't tell them you're a  lawyer. Wal-Mart does require new hires to have a modicum of ethics.