► Judge Hilleri Merritt of LA; a greedy-serial thief, ethical leper-con Print
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Judge Hilleri Merritt of LA; a greedy-serial thief, ethical leper-con

It is quite depressing to report to y’all that Judge Hilleri Merritt was successful in duping the voters in LA County into electing her as a Superior Court judge in 1996. Goshes and Gollies and Gee Whillickers, Boyz and Girls, y’all really screwed-up in falling prey hyperbolic campaign BS.
As I suspect y’all know, Judge Merritt recently took affirmative steps to assure that she would forever cement her status as a moron, idiot and unethical leper-con when she issued a “prior restraint” order prohibiting the LA Times from publishing photos of alleged four-time murderer Alberd Tersargyan.
In legal jargon, “prior restraint” basically comes down to your High School Teacher in Louisville issuing a dictate prohibiting Reginald or Delmas for that matter from having any thoughts (ca. 1950s) of engaging in a successful rendezvous if ya will with Marilyn Monroe,
Of course I suppose if the thoughts of success were limited to, let’s say, Mom’s Mabley, Phyllis Diller and/or Minnie Pearl, then maybe, and I just say maybe it would be acceptable conduct in the demented/dictatorial mind of Judge Hilleri Merritt.
Without droning on about Judge Merritt’s (aka, Il Duce Wannabee) illegal conduct re: the LA Times, I would invite you to go to the URL listed below.
Is Judge Hilleri Merritt of LA an Il Duce Wannabee; moron and an ethical gnome?
Judge Hilleri Merritt’s Serial Thefts of Taxpayer Funds 
In the mid to late 1990s, the County Courts in California were unified by the Legislature. This meant that all judicial wages/benefits would no longer be borne by the counties, but would be solely paid by the State. You’d think that LA County taxpayers would have had reason to rejoice, right?
The so-called ethical titans running amuck in black robes (white robes when appropriate) in LA County, went about securing an agreement from the County Commissioners allowing them to “double dip” by continuing to receive the same benefits the State was now paying.
This annual raping of the County treasury amounted to about $40,000 per judge per year. Of course Judge Merritt cheerfully planted her unethical snout in the Counties piggy bank while she engaged in illegal double-dipping.
Not too long ago, a California Appeals Court specifically ruled that this double-dipping by Merritt, et al. was unconstitutional, meaning it was illegal. Has Merritt ever paid back any of the $400,000 or more she illegally pocketed over the years? Of course not! And as we speak she continues to bilk the public to the tune of almost $50,000 a year.
As my friends down in Biloxi are wont to say, “How in the hell did this dumb, som-bitch ever become a judge?” “What in the hell is the madder with doze folks in LA? Don’t they know a dumbass when they seez one?
Luther then said to Delmas, “Lord have Mercy Delmas, looks like doze folks in LA are more stupid then we thought they was.”