► Nikki Haley: Today’s “Nauseating Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print

Nikki Haley: Today’s “Nauseating Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


Nikki Haley (birth name Nimrata Randawa) previously served as U.S. Ambassador under the auspices of The Great Leader. Since leaving the U.N., Nikki has dedicated her time to kissing up to The Great Leader in hopes that in doing so she will follow him as the next President of the U.S. of A.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Booty Fresh” for the ultimate protection, Nikki decided to make the following statement in support of The Great Leader’s announcement in canceling the GOP convention that was to be held in Jacksonville, Florida.

  • “We know how much @realDonaldTrump wanted to have a blowout convention.”
  • “Proud of the selfless leadership he has shown in cancelling the convention.”
  • “He has a great story to tell on how he turned our economy & foreign policy around.”
  • “We look forward to sharing it in the next 100 days!”

Only a Sycophantic Simpleton (SS) would have the chutzpah to state that The Great Leader has engaged in “selfless leadership” when in fact he is a Degenerate Narcissist.


And lastly, Nikki is going to learn the hard way that being a Sycophantic Trump Ass-Kisser isn’t going to do her any good in a GOP party after The Great Leader is defeated in November 2020. Put simply, her employment prospects will be limited to being employed as a lying commentator on the Fox News Comedy Network.


Hopefully, someone associated with Rev. Robert Jeffress or Franklin Graham have taken the necessary steps to reimburse Tommy for the costs he incurred in purchasing a jar of Industrial Strength Boudreaux’s Butt Paste.