► Trump not a Bigot because Ivanka is a Jewish sez Hugh Hewitt Print

Trump not a Bigot because Ivanka is a Jewish sez Hugh Hewitt


Hugh is another in a long list of loser attorneys that decided to go into politics after learning how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after he graduated in 1983 from the University of Michigan Law School. Therefore, he decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics and/or political and/or political punditry.


During a recent (mid-August 2017) interview with MSNBCs Katy Kur, Hugh was asked whether Donald “Trumporleone” Trump was doing a good job. The following discussion then took place.



  • “In life, it's the simplest thing you can possibly do as president: 'Say the KKK is bad, I don't like them.'”
  • “Why does the bar keep getting lowered for this president?"


  • “I don’t know that it does.”
  • "When they [Neo-Nazis] denounce Jews, I do want to point out, Katy, President Trump has nominated David Strauss, whose grandparents are both Holocaust survivors. I thought of Justice Strauss.”
  • “Ivanka is Jewish. Jared Kushner is Jewish.”
  • “These people in Charlottesville were chanting anti-Semitic chants.”
  • “I don't believe the president is a bigot."

Apparently, Hugh has spent too much time kissing The Don’s substantial ass to recall that he and his Daddy were successfully sued by the government for discrimination against Blacks and Hispanics in renting apartments in Queens.


In addition, Hugh conveniently forgot that Fred Trump Jr., The Don’s Daddy (DD) was arrested on Jun 1, 1927 in Queens, New York for marching in a KKK rally? DD was arrested along with several other racists for brawling with police at the parade. After the arrest, DD and/or one of his comrades passed out a Klan leaflet that said:


“Americans Assaulted by Roman Catholic Police of New York City!”


Hopefully, The Don and/or one of his Trump Toadies (TTs) reimbursed Hugh for the costs he has incurred in the recent past for multiple purchases of Large Size Tubes of Industrial Strength ChapStick.


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