► Sen. Cruz sez: 2nd Amendment gone if Democrats win Presidency in 2016 Print

Sen. Cruz sez: 2nd Amendment gone if Democrats win Presidency in 2016


During a recent (early February 2016) interview with comedian Michael Quinn Sullivan, Sen. Ted Cruz discussed the importance of the next president’s Supreme Court nominees, claiming that the U.S. is “one justice away from the Supreme Court striking down the Second Amendment.” (Brian Tashman)


Teddy then blasted the Supreme Court by saying:

  • The current “lawless” and “out-of-control activist court” that is “just one justice away from a five-justice, radical, left-wing majority the likes of which this country has never seen.

Teddy then warned Sullivan’s intellectually infirm viewers an fabricated end-of-the-world scenario if either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders were able to nominate new justices to the Supreme Court.


The Lying Loon went on to say:

  • “We are one justice away from the Supreme Court striking down the Second Amendment, ruling that no individual American has any right whatsoever to keep and bear arms, we are one justice away from that.”

In order to prove that he’s a Congenital Liar, Teddy then said:

  • “We are one justice away from the Supreme Court tearing down veterans’ memorials all over this country if they have any acknowledgment of God and we’re not far away from bringing the chisels out to remove the crosses and Stars of David from the tombstones of our fallen soldiers.”

These fabricated statements prove beyond all doubt that Teddy is a Congenital and Deranged Liar because the Supreme Court cannot issue a ruling “voiding” an amendment to the constitution. Only a vote of two-thirds of the states could effectuate such a change. In fact, this is exactly what happened when the 18th Amendment regarding Prohibition was repealed when the 21st Amendment was passed.


And lastly, Teddy likes to brag that he graduated magna scum laude from Harvard Law School and that he’s a “constitutional expert.” The only thing he’s an expert at is telling lies and fabricating falsehoods.


In a lame effort at levity, Teddy said that when he’s elected president that “Every justice I put on the court will be a principled conservative jurist.” What he actually means is that he would appoint right-wing Lunatics like himself. Of course we don’t have to worry about that because he’ll never be elected president.


For additional stories on Teddy go to the articles categorized below

  1. Arrogant Ass Award Winner = 1
  2. Bigot Award Winner = 5
  3. Bullshit Award Winner = 6
  4. Humanitarian Award Winner = 2
  5. IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award Winner = 2
  6. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 2
  7. Congenital Liar Award = 1
  8. Lunatic Award Winner = 2
  9. MoronAward Winner = 3
  10. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 2
  11. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  12. Top 10 Congressional Lunatic Award Winners: Top 10 Award Winners
  13. I hate New York Values, but I luvs New York cash: Art. 58 Bullshit Awards
  14. Christians have allowed nonbelievers to elect our leaders: Art. 62 Lunatic Awards
  15. Obama can’t distinguish Good guys from Bad Guys: Art. 63 Lunatic Awards
  16. Media drools when criminals are Republican Cruz: Art. 64 Lunatic Awards
  17. GOP needs to mobilize Biblical Values Vote: Art. 65 Lunatic Awards
  18. Sen. Ted Cruz tells Obama: Debate me, insult me to my face: Screwball Award 59
  19. God will Heal America if more Evangelicals start Voting: Art. No 2 Jimmy Swaggart Award
  20. JFK would be a Ted Cruz Republican today Rodney: Art. 47 Rodney Dangerfield Awards
  21. Big name supporters for Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential run: Art. 48 Rodney Dangerfield Awards
  22. Cleaning up after Sen. Ted Cruz’s latest speech: Art. 6 Dawg Laments