► Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI): Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner Print

Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI): Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI)

Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner



Glenn is yet another loser attorney that learned early on how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after he graduated from the University of Wisconsin.


During a recent (11/29/14) interview with Milwaukee’s WISN TV-12 stated that one of his priorities as a member of the U.S. Congress would be to slash aid to low-income families [wink, wink]. Glenn the Humanitarian went on to refer to such aid as:


  • It is “a bribe not to work that hard or a bribe not to marry someone with a full-time job.”
  • It is “a strong incentive not to raise children in wedlock.”

The Humanitarian went on to say:


  • “A single parent with a couple of kids can easily get $35,000 a year in total benefits between the health care and the earned income credit and the food share and the low-income housing and what have you.”
  • “When you look at that amount of money, which is in essence a bribe not to work that hard or a bribe not to marry someone with a full-time job, people immediately realize you have a problem.”

Glenn finished off his comments by saying that he is hopeful that he can “make a big change” on the issue under a “better president” than Obama.


Apparently Glenn isn’t concerned with the losers in Congress that were paid a salary of $174,000 and other Cadillac type benefits for working a mere 133 days in 2014, which comes out to $1,308 in wages for each work day.


It may well be that Glenn’s primary goal in becoming a member of Congress was to assure that he would only have to work 130 days or less in 2015.


Congrats Glenn; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Humanitarians”; you are far too humble.