► Trump embarks on “Just Say No” campaign to having sex with Porn Star Print

Trump embarks on “Just Say No” campaign to having sex with Porn Star


Several anonymous and unreliable sources have indicated that Donald “Trumporleone” Trump has decided to utilize Nancy Reagan’s famous line about “The War on Drugs” when she said “Just say No” at a 1987 rally in Los Angeles.


In this instance, The Great Leader is feigning concern for the spread of STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases) among his dedicated Toadies, Compliant Ass-Kissers and assorted supporters.


Towards that end, The Great Leader is about to issue an executive order that will advise his folks to avoid having sex with a Porn Star regardless of the Porn Star’s gender.


The Great Leader wanted it to be known that he practiced Safe Sex (SS) when he was screwing Porn Star Stormy Daniels. However, he is hopeful that if any of his Toadies follow in his steps by having sex with a Porn Star that they protect themselves from contracting gonorrhea, genital herpes, HIV/AIDS, chlamydia and/or syphilis.


This surely cements The Great Leader's status as one of America's Premier Humanitarians. 


And lastly, The Great Leader advises that the only true way to protect oneself from contacting an STD is to embark on a relationship with Blow-up Doll.


For additional post-election articles re: The Don visit the articles below

  1. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 1 thru 62 Dawg Opinions
  2. Trump’s victims of Draining the Swamp: Art. 63 thru 73 Dawg Opinions
  3. Trump Filling the Swamp: Art. 74 thru 79 Dawg Opinions
  4. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 310 thru 325 Dawg Opinions 
  5. Dawg Laments: Art. 1 thru 16
  6. Bigot/Racist Awards: Art. 310 thru 316
  7. Trump Bullshit Awards: Art. 366 thru 433
  8. Trump Liar Awards: Art. 1 thru 58 Liar Awards
  9. Lunatic Awards: Art. 329 thru 339
  10. Moron Awards: Art. 235 thru 244
  11. Narcissist Awards: Art. 6 thru 15
  12. Screwball Awards: Art. 275 thru 279
  13. Rodney Dangerfield Awards: Art. 202 thru 220