► Steve Lonegan (R-NJ): Today’s “Moron” Award Winner Print

Steve Lonegan (R-NJ): Today’s “Moron” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Steve Lonegan (R-NJ)
Today’s “Moron” Award Winner
As we speak (ca. July 2013), Steve Lonegan is the front-runner for the GOP nomination for New Jersey’s open U.S. Senate seat. A special election for that seat will be held on October 16, 2013.
Stevie is a Tea Party favorite who is also backed by the billionaire Koch brothers.
During a recent rally of the Morristown Tea party, Stevie told the audience that young voters were “indoctrinated” against the United States of 40 years ago.” The Moron went on to say,
“Its older people who are going to be voting.”
“Don’t be so disturbed that its more older people who remember what America was 40 years ago and want to keep it that way, rather than the younger people who have been indoctrinated.”
This can only mean that Stevie’s two daughters, Brooke and Katherine have been indoctrinated against the U.S. of A of 40 years ago. I wonder how the Moron copes with that undeniable fact.
Of course the U.S. of A. of 40 years ago that Stevie speaks of is one that was entirely run by fine upstanding God-fearing white folks like himself.
Stevie is another mealy mouth opportunist who laughingly claims to be an upstanding Catholic. I was raised in Catholic schools in Toledo, Ohio and I don’t recall any priest, Bishop or Cardinal spewing forth the bigoted views of Stevie the Moron.
Congrats Stevie; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Disrespected “Morons”; you are far too humble.