► Trump Junior: Today’s “Moron” Award Winner Print

Trump Junior: Today’s “Moron” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Junior. In the past, he has been the recipient of seven (7) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


In a never-ending attempt to prove beyond all doubt that he is one of America’s Premier Morons, Donald Trump Jr. decided to comment on his Daddy’s declassification of Rep. Devon Nunes’ comedy memo. Towards that end, Junior appeared on a recent (ca. 02/03/18) episode of the Fox News Comedy Network.


Towards that end, Junior made the following statements to satisfy Fox’s low I.Q. viewers regarding the Nunes hyperbolic (BS) memo in response to questions posed by Fox comedian Jesse Watters.

  • “There is a little bit of sweet revenge in it for me and certainly probably the family in a sense that if they wouldn’t have done this, this stuff would be going on.”
  • “This would be going on at the highest levels of government.”
  • “They’d be continuing doing it to my father, trying to undermine his actions.”

In a lame attempt at levity, Junior complained about the “millions in legal fees” he had to pay in connection with the Russia probe, the time he’s had to waste, and “being smeared throughout the media for a year.” (Ryan J. Reilly)


For one thing, the Moron hasn’t paid anything for his legal defense. In fact, the RNC (Republican National Committee) has paid at least $200,000 in legal fees on behalf of Junior. Any additional fees have been paid by Daddy and/or by a fund set up by Daddy to pay Junior’s legal fees.


Just like Daddy, Junior feel quite comfortable in telling an easily provable lie that he’s paid “millions in legal fees.” This reaffirms the old saying, “the Avocado doesn’t fall far from the tree.”


And lastly, when asked by comedian Watters if the Russia investigation was rotten to its core, Jr. falsely replied that “it always has been.” This is the same Super Patriot that cheerfully met with Russian agents and then let Daddy lie for him about the true meaning for the meeting.

  1. Donald “Trumporleone” Trump claims son is a “Good Boy”: Art. 382 Bullshit Awards
  2. Stock market rise exonerates Daddy sez Donald Trump Jr.: Art.434 Bullshit Awards
  3. Trump Jr. supports James Comey’s testimony: Art. 49 Dumbo Awards
  4. No doubt re: Daddy Trump’s orders to Comey sez Donnie Jr.: Art. 50 Dumbo Awards
  5. Moronic Dumbass Award Winner: Art. 31 Misc. Awards
  6. Trump Jr. sez Daddy’s critics are “not even people”: Art. 242 Moron Awards
  7. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1