► Kellyanne Conway says: Trump doubters interfered in Election Print

Kellyanne Conway says: Trump doubters interfered in Election 


First and foremost, it should be noted that Kellyanne Conway is yet another loser lawyer who learned early on how difficult it would be to earn a dishonest living practicing law. This led her to go into the second most honest profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics.


After donning (pun intended) a pair of Trumpian ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway decided to once again spew forth a little BS in support of her Supreme Boss Donald “Trumporleone” Trump.


During a recent (late May 2017) interview with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota, Kellyanne had the chutzpah to falsely claim that The Don had expressed his concern that the Russian’s had interfered in the 2016 presidential election. The Accomplished Bootlicker and Trump Toady went on to say:

  • “The president has said previously, and he stands by that, particularly as president-elect, that he would be concerned about anyone interfering in our democracy.”
  • “We saw a lot of people interfering with our democracy by saying he couldn’t win here at home.”

So, what we have here is the Certified Lying Moron telling us that the people “interfering with our democracy” were Americans who said The Don couldn’t win.


Apparently, those folks are all unpatriotic, left-wing, God hating losers such as members of the Democratic Party and Republicans who let it be known that they didn’t believe The Don was going to win.


According to this Dimwitted Trump Toady, only those who supported The Don are good Americans. I wonder what this loser will have to say about The Don when he’s impeached or resigns in total disgrace.


For additional stories on Kellyanne go to the articles categorized below

  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 2
  2. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 1
  3. Congenital Liar Award Winner = 1
  4. It’s inappropriate to question Trumps’ firing of FBI director Comey: Art. 19 Ass-Kisser Awards
  5. Reporters ‘Talking Smack’ About Trump Should Be Fired: Art 57 Bullshit Awards
  6. What are Alternative Facts? – Art. 58 Bullshit Awards
  7. Details of Russian Hacking should be kept Secret sayeth Kellyanne Conway: Art 59 Bullshit Awards
  8. Only count what’s in Trump’s heart not his words; sayeth Rev. Kellyanne Conway: Art. 60 Bullshit Awards
  9. Trump demands his people be loyal to his administration: Art. 61 Screwball Awards
  10. Microwaves being turned into Peeping Toms sez Kellyanne Conway: Art 62 Screwball Awards
  11. Trump Filling the Swamp No. 5: Kellyanne Conway: Art. 56 Dawg Opinions