► Rep. Tom MacArthur (NJ) says: Not Congress’ job to oversee executive branch Print

► Rep. Tom Macarthur says: Not Congress’ job to oversee executive branch


Rep. Tom MacArthur is a Republican congressman from New Jersey who succeeded in duping the voters into election him as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in November 2014.


During a recent (May 11, 2017) town hall gathering, Tommy was questioned by constituents as to why he strenuously rejected calls for a special prosecutor to look into the ties between Russia and Donald “Trumporleone” Trump.


In response to the special prosecutor questions, Tommy the Moron said:

  • “We [Congress] don’t oversee the executive.”
  • “Congress is not the board of directors of the White House.”

Apparently, when Tommy attended Hofstra University in the early 1980s, they didn’t offer classes in basic government like “checks and balances” between the three branches of government.


Of course, Tommy is of the firm belief that it is his duty and those of his ilk in Congress to endlessly and unmercifully oversee executives in government such as President Obama and/or Hillary Clinton. However, in the Constitution that Tommy abides by, “overseeing the executive” only applies when the executives are members of the Democratic Party.


Hopefully, the voters in Tommy’s district will wake up and send this moronic loser packing in his next attempt at being reelected.