► Family Research Council’s Jerry Boykin: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner Print

Family Research Council’s Jerry Boykin: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Family Research Council’s Jerry Boykin
Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner
Jerry serves as Comedian in Chief for the Family Research Council with responsibility for overseeing day-to-day operations including policy, church ministries, finance, human resources and customer service.
In addition to being a retired Army General, Jerry is also an ordained minister and claims to be a born-again-Christian.
During a recent (10/17/13) interview with fellow comedian Fred Jackson of the American Family Association, Jerry claimed that President Obama is using the military to introduce communism. The Loon went on to say in part:
  • There is “no question” that the White House is to blame for the supposed “persecution of Christians” in the military, which is an effort to create “a society moving to Marxism.”
  • “This is the Marxist model, if you go back to what Karl Marx said, he said my objective is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.”
  • “Because we are moving through the socialist agenda to really becoming a Marxist nation, you have to destroy the idea or concept of unalienable rights, which is what we were found upon, our rights come from God, not from man, not from government.”
Its hard to imagine why anyone would listen to anything this Certified Lunatic says about anything. Several years ago the Pentagon ruled that Jerry had broken three rules in giving speeches by failing to clarify that he gave the remarks in a private capacity, that he didn’t receive clearance for making the remarks, and the he failed to declare the reimbursement of travel funds by one of the religious groups hosing the speaking events.
One thing about Jerry is very evidence, and that is that he will say anything to feed red meat to the morons that believe anything he says in an ongoing effort to financially enrich himself and his fellow comedians at the Family Research Council.
Congrats Jerry; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Lunatic”; you are far too humble.