► Today’s “Psycho” Award Winner is Eric Bolling of Fox Business News Print

Today’s “Psycho” Award Winner is Eric Bolling of Fox Business News

Congratulations to….
Eric Bolling of Fox Business News
Today’s “Psycho” Award Winner
Eric Bolling is yet another member of the Fox News organization that is famous for providing its intellectually bereft viewers with “unfair reporting by unbalanced reporters.”
Shortly after the Wisconsin State Senate voted to disembowel the Unions representing state workers in Wisconsin, Eric commented by saying, “I was in the car, fist pumping myself – I’m sorry I mean fist pumping “When I heard [State Senator] Fitzgerald; “That’s fantastic what the did in Wisconsin.”
Eric is a charter member of the scumbags (my apologies to scumbags) on Wall Street that reap untold millions upon millions of dollars speculating on future contracts involving oil, natural gas, etc. Eric is one of the greedy manipulators that have caused gas to climb to $4.00 a gallon.
Apparently, this certified Psycho was having an organism when he learned that hourly state employees in Wisconsin would no longer be allowed to be represented by unions. Apparently, Eric believes that if the Unions representing public and/or private sector workers are destroyed it will inure to his financial benefit.
This Ol’ Dawg goes way back (ca. 1960s -1980s) in regards to union representation of workers. In the mid-1960s I was personally involved in negotiating contracts as a member of the Teamsters union in Toledo, Ohio. In contrast, in the early 1980s I found myself on the other side of the equation when I had to deal with construction related unions (electrical, carpenters and plumbers) in Toledo when I designed and setup a restaurant. Therefore, unlike Eric the Psycho I’ve been there and done that!
My experience dealing with both sides of the union equation left me with the knowledge that there was good, bad and ugly involving both of them. However, it cannot be disputed that if it weren’t for unions, my Dad and my Uncles, all of whom were card-carrying members of the UAW of Teamsters
That old union joke of yesteryear; “How many Wall Street Speculators does it take to screw in a light bulb” is now longer relevant. FYI: it takes six speculators -
Congrats Eric; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as a practicing Psycho; you are far too modest.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California