► Rev. Franklin Graham says, Christian duty to vote, even for Lesser of Two Heathens Print

Rev. Franklin Graham says, Christian duty to vote, even for Lesser of

 Two Heathens


In a recent (mid-March 2016) interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), right-wing screwball Franklin Graham, son of the late Rev. Billy Graham, declared that so-called Christians have a duty to vote even if their options do not include a candidate with a strong biblical worldview. (Peter Montgomery)


Franklin went on to tell CBN’s intellectually deprived audience:

  • “And I'm not going to tell people who to vote for, I'm not going to do that -- let God tell you who to vote for."
  • "You may have to hold your nose; you may have to decide which is the least heathen of the two heathens.”

Since we don’t know yet if The Donald or Ted Cruz will win the GOP nomination, it certainly appears that Franklin considers both of them to be “heathens.”


Of course a “heathen” is defined as a barbarian, infidel, and/or a godless pagan. Goshes and Gollies, this would mean that Ted Cruz’s claim that God wanted him to run for President is a bunch of BS because according to Franklin he’s a dirty, no-good “heathen.”


For additional stories on Franklin go to the articles categorized below

  1. Bigot Award Winner = 2
  2. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  3. Franklin Graham says keep Gays away from Churches & their kids: Bigot Award 78
  4. White House infiltrated by Muslims: Bigot Award 80
  5. Christians must win every Mayor’s office to stop Evil LGBT rights: Art. 79 Bigot Awards
  6. Franklin Graham says keep Gays away from Churches & their kids: Art. 80 Bigot Awards