► Obama’s a Serial Killer just like Hitler and Stalin Print

Obama’s a Serial Killer just like Hitler and Stalin 

In a recent (May 2015) rant published by WorldNetDaily, Alan Keyes wrote that during the time he ran against Obama for the Senate in Illinois he became convinced that Obama is “a hard line socialist ideologue, in the ruthless, self-worshiping mold Hitler and Stalin had in common.” (Brian Tashman)


It should be remembered that Alan Keyes is a serial electoral loser. He ran for the presidency three times and the U.S. Senate three times. On all six occasions the voters told the proverbial loser to take a hike. One of his senate losses came at the hands of President Obama. In truth, Alan is an embarrassment to habitual electoral losers.


In his written rant, Alan made the following asinine statements:

  • I wasn’t proud to see Obama elected president, just as I wouldn’t be proud to see “a serial killer elected president just because his skin wasn’t white.”
  • “Comparing Obama to a serial killer” isn’t so far off since modern history “offers ample proof that government officials who conform themselves to evil ideologies are more than likely to produce death tolls so massive that no word or phrase truly expresses the enormity of their crimes.”

Alan went on to write:

  • “I survey the evidence of Obama’s years in office, and the pattern of activity that emerges confirms my longstanding premonition that, like the hard line socialists of the 20th century, he is a harbinger of death, including the tragic death of the conscience, prosperity and just premises of my country.”

This is the same Lunatic that filed a lawsuit after Obama’s 2008 election with the California Secretary of State by claiming that Obama wasn’t a real U.S. citizen. The loon went on to call Obama a “usurper” and a “radical communist.” He also laughingly claimed that Obama’s birth certificate was forged and that he wasn’t qualified to be president.


Someone should ship this sorry loser to North Korea and see what happens when he spews forth the same kind of lies about Kim Jong Un.


It’s one thing to disagree with Obama or any president for that matter. Its another to knowingly defame the President by calling him a traitor.


For additional pieces on Alan go to the articles categorized below.

  1. Homophobe Award Winner = 2
  2. Lunatic Award Winner = 2
  3. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  4. Violence required to Oust Obama if Congress doesn’t act: Lunatic Awards Art. 99
  5. John Yoo: Bush go-to-guy for obliterating constitution: Art. 211 Dawg Opinions
  6. Obama: America’s First and Only Islamic President: Screwball Awards Art. 90