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Straight folks flocking to Texas


In a recent (08/12/14) Texas Values anti-gay press conference, Cathie Adams of the Homophobic Texas Eagle Forum argued that people are leaving states like Massachusetts for Texas because of their contrary marriage laws.


Cathie the Homophobe went on to advise members of the gay community living in Texas to leave the state. She then said:

  • Texas is the fastest growing state in the nation and there is a reason for that, and part of that reason is traditional marriage.”

The Phobe went on to say:

  • “This is good for Texas families.”
  • “We do not accept the homosexual agenda. That is what we are talking about here.”
  • “If If those who embrace that homosexual agenda want to move to a state that does embrace homosexual marriage, there is a state of Massachusetts that they could move to.”
  • “So why in the world would Texas, that is growing and the fastest growing, want to join Massachusetts that is declining?”

Of course Cathie doesn’t offer any factual evidence to prove that folks are beating a hasty retreat from marriage equality states.


Rather than listen to Cathie’s bigoted statements telling gay folks to leave Texas, I believe it would be more worthwhile if she demanded that all Certified Morons and Assorted Bigots like Cathie, et al. leave Texas.


I believe that Cathie and her fellow Homophobes would have better luck if they moved to Nigeria where President Goodluck Jonathan declared it to be a criminal act if one were found to by gay.


And of course if Certified Morons and Lunatics like Cathie began to flee Texas, there would likely be a significant decline in the overall population.